Substudy 4 – Strengths & capabilities

Researchers from University Medical Center Utrecht are conducting a line of research under the title ‘Strengths & capabilities: designing nursing practice in a changing nursing environment.’ Researchers Dewi Stalpers, Marloes Veenstra and Lisette Schoonhoven are examining questions regarding the optimisation of nurse employability, the role of job crafting* in this respect, and what this means for nurses, the team and the organisation. 
The hypothesis is that differentiation based on individual strengths and capabilities could contribute towards:
•    providing nurses with insight into their individual strengths and how to make the best use of them (reflective professionals);
•    showing nurses what kind of impact they could make on patient care and how much influence they have;
•    providing organisations with insight into how to make the best use of nursing professionals’ capabilities (organisational support);

Special attention is also given to developments in the role and tasks of nurses, and how nurses deal with changes in their work. The final topic deals with the question of what effects these have on the quality of patient care, and on job satisfaction among nurses. The FD Tool is an important source of data in this substudy. This is an instrument that provides hospitals with insight into the effects of differentiated practice on quality with respect to patients, staff and organisations. 

*Definition of job crafting: Facilitating changes in the characteristics of a person’s job in order to better align that job with personal needs, interests and capabilities. 

Dewi Stalpers

Dewi Stalpers is an ICU nurse (NP). In 2016, she completed her PhD with a study on the relationship between the nursing environment and the quality of care. Since 2011 she has combined two jobs: IC adviser at St Antonius Hospital and project manager to the NVZ (Dutch Hospitals Association). Since 2019, Staplers has been affiliated with the Julius Center (UMC Utrecht) as an assistant professor.

Lisette Schoonhoven

Lisette Schoonhoven is a professor of nursing science at the University Medical Center Utrecht. Her research focuses on the quality and safety of nursing care. She also conducts research on implementation, and is programme leader of Nursing Science for the Master’s Programme in Clinical Health Sciences at Utrecht University.

Marloes Veenstra

Marloes Veenstra completed a Master’s degree in Work and Organisational Psychology in 2013. In 2015 she started a Bachelor’s degree course in nursing, graduating as a nurse in 2018. Since April 2020, she has been working with the RN2Blend research group as a PhD candidate of UMC Utrecht’s Department of Nursing Science (Julius Centrum). 

RN2Blend TV: Vormgeven aan verpleegkundig werk

Hoe draagt gebruikmaken van ieders sterke kanten en kwaliteiten bij aan een optimale inzet van verpleegkundigen? En hoe zit het met job crafting, oftewel het maken van kleine aanpassingen in het eigen werk? Daarover spraken onderzoekers Dewi Stalpers en Marloes Veenstra op 1 december 2020 tijdens de vierde aflevering van RN2Blend TV. Irene de Kroon, IC-verpleegkundige in het Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, deelde inzichten uit de praktijk.

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